Photo gallery
Photo Gallery
My photo page is a perfect place tosee jobs i have done in the past
sample photo 2 this is another shot of the newe addition also a shot of all the material and trash we took out of the house wich was a complete inside remodel
Sample Photo 3 here we are all the walls are up for the master bath and wash room the addition is nearly complete unfortunatly the owner wouldnt allow me to take pictures of the completion of it
Sample Photo 4 hello im bob ya know saftey is job one and thts why i had to stop and tie my shoe ...
Sample Photo 6 dont mind this it is just upside down but it shows all the rafter of the ceiling after we took all the walls out on the inside
Sample Photo 7 ok heres some thing you dont se every day the sub flooring is done and we are getting ready to put up the walls inside the house

Sample Photo 9
Sample Photo 10